Back pain or backache is one of the most discomforting forms of pain our body experiences. There are many pain reliever and topical creams and lotions that promise to provide relief from back pain. Most of these painkillers or pain relievers available in the market give long term side effects. To avoid side effects, the easiest way is to try some natural ways to ease pain and discomfort. This article briefly describes some effective natural ways to treat upper back pain.
1. Taking the help of chiropractors and physiotherapists for adjusting joint imbalances and easing out tiring muscles respectively would fetch good results.
2. Massaging is one of the popular home remedies for back pain to sooth strained muscles. Herbal massage oils like Rumatone Gold oil, nagachampa massage oil, narayani oil, arnica oil, capsaicin ointments, olive oil, and eucalyptus body massage oil can be very helpful. Rumatone gold oil is made of pure herbal ingredients having anti inflammatory and pain relieving properties.
3. Lifting, bending and carrying activities should be done cautiously. Appropriate posture should be maintained while lifting. While lifting weight one should keep the knees bent and the back erect, place the object between feet and keep legs astride. This will help to avoid pressure on the back muscles.
4. Ice and heat therapy can ease out painful conditions. Rubbing a pack of ice cubes on the aching zone followed by a hot shower brings relief.
5. Analgesics or pain killers like aspirin, naproxen, ibruprofen, NSAIDs, anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants like cyclobenzaprine etc are medicines commonly used to treat upper back pain. But these may create some side effects. Try herbal medicine rumatone gold capsules, which have no side effects and works well in treating upper back pain.
6. The patient should avoid slouching, and use a chair that is hard enough and allows upright posture. The cozy, cushioned sofa and mattresses though appear tempting, they actually lead to improper spine alignment and back pain.
7. Acupuncture can relieve some patients of pain.
8. Light stretching and range of motion exercises enhance flexibility of the back muscles, reducing stiffness and tenderness.
9. Usage of specially designed braces may also help. Such braces provide additional support to weak, strained muscles and restrict further wear and tear.
10. Herbs like chamomile, burdock, devil's claw, boswelia have pain reducing and anti-inflammatory properties. These herbs may be taken in the form of supplements. Herbal supplements would possibly be the best way to suppress pain for they do away with harmful toxic effect of commercial allopathic medicines.
Read about Back Pain Treatment. Also know useful Home Remedies for Backache.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis That You Should Know
Physical, occupational, nutritional therapies are the non-pharmacological ways to combat the disease. Analgesia or pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs and disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs like azathioprine, gold salts, leflunomide, minocycline etc are being prescribed these days to control the progression of the disease. The disorder can also be tackled the natural way and through home based remedies.
The patient should carry out the treatment by balancing the commercial medicines along with natural remedies. This is to be done in order to escape to some extent the harmful side effects of toxins in the commercial medicines. Here are some natural ways to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
1. Light stretching exercise to mobilize affected joints is essential. Mobilization will reduce stiffness at the joint. If the joints attacked by rheumatoid arthritis are left idle and inactive, the problem of stiffness will only worsen. Heavy impact exercises like jumping, running, skiing etc are to be avoided.
2. Food items rich in Omega3 fatty acids, Gamma-linolenic acid should be consumed by rheumatoid arthritis patients. Cold water fishes like salmon, sardines, anchovies etc are rich in omega3 acids. Even fish oil capsules available in market can serve the purpose. Sea food diet thus is highly recommended as a cure for rheumatoid. Borage oil, black currant seed oil, primrose oil are rich sources of gamma-linolenic acids. Raw vegetable juices like that of celery, carrot, and beet can prove beneficial in reducing pain and inflammation.
3. Magnesium and copper supplements can prove beneficial.
4. Cupping therapy, a remarkable form of alternative treatment in Chinese medicine, proves to be an effective natural way of treating rheumatoid arthritis. The therapy reduces pain, inflammation, boosts up blood circulation and helps in getting rid of inflammation causing toxins.
5. Orthotic devices like braces, splints can be worn for acquiring easy mobility. They help in giving support to ailing joints.
6. Turmeric, dry ginger, boswellia, guggul are beneficial herbs that can treat the problem of pain and inflammation due to rheumatoid.
7. Green tea extracts may also bring some relief.
8. Ointments like Ben Gay and capsaicin creams may be rubbed on the ailing joints to get pain relief.
9. Smoking and consumption of caffeine are to be strictly avoided.
Rumatone Gold Capsules and Massage Oil are unique proprietary blend of natural ingredients to ease pain and stiffness due to rheumatoid arthritis. These supplements taken in a regular and disciplined way greatly help in relieving rheumatoid arthritis pain. As these supplements are made of plant-based herbal ingredients, they are safer and natural way to treat the problem.
Read about Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief supplements. Also know effective Home Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis.
The patient should carry out the treatment by balancing the commercial medicines along with natural remedies. This is to be done in order to escape to some extent the harmful side effects of toxins in the commercial medicines. Here are some natural ways to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
1. Light stretching exercise to mobilize affected joints is essential. Mobilization will reduce stiffness at the joint. If the joints attacked by rheumatoid arthritis are left idle and inactive, the problem of stiffness will only worsen. Heavy impact exercises like jumping, running, skiing etc are to be avoided.
2. Food items rich in Omega3 fatty acids, Gamma-linolenic acid should be consumed by rheumatoid arthritis patients. Cold water fishes like salmon, sardines, anchovies etc are rich in omega3 acids. Even fish oil capsules available in market can serve the purpose. Sea food diet thus is highly recommended as a cure for rheumatoid. Borage oil, black currant seed oil, primrose oil are rich sources of gamma-linolenic acids. Raw vegetable juices like that of celery, carrot, and beet can prove beneficial in reducing pain and inflammation.
3. Magnesium and copper supplements can prove beneficial.
4. Cupping therapy, a remarkable form of alternative treatment in Chinese medicine, proves to be an effective natural way of treating rheumatoid arthritis. The therapy reduces pain, inflammation, boosts up blood circulation and helps in getting rid of inflammation causing toxins.
5. Orthotic devices like braces, splints can be worn for acquiring easy mobility. They help in giving support to ailing joints.
6. Turmeric, dry ginger, boswellia, guggul are beneficial herbs that can treat the problem of pain and inflammation due to rheumatoid.
7. Green tea extracts may also bring some relief.
8. Ointments like Ben Gay and capsaicin creams may be rubbed on the ailing joints to get pain relief.
9. Smoking and consumption of caffeine are to be strictly avoided.
Rumatone Gold Capsules and Massage Oil are unique proprietary blend of natural ingredients to ease pain and stiffness due to rheumatoid arthritis. These supplements taken in a regular and disciplined way greatly help in relieving rheumatoid arthritis pain. As these supplements are made of plant-based herbal ingredients, they are safer and natural way to treat the problem.
Read about Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief supplements. Also know effective Home Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Osteoarthritis Symptoms, Natural Treatments and Remedies
Osteoarthritis is the commonest form of arthritis mainly seen in old aged people. This article mainly emphasizes on the major symptoms and natural treatments for osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis Symptoms
1. Pain in the form of sharp ache or burning sensation
2. Inflexibility or stiffness of joint
3. Swelling
4. Crepitus or cracking noise while moving the affected joint.
5. Muscle spasm
6. Tendon contraction
7. The affected joint may appear larger than usual.
8. Tenderness at joints
9. Joint effusion due to accumulation of excess fluids within an affected joint.
10. Hard bony enlargements in smaller joints due to osteoarthritis.
Natural Treatments of Osteoarthritis
Medications like Acetaminophen, nonsteroidal pain reducing drugs like aspirin, naproxen, ketoprofen, and ibuprofen are usually recommended for treating osteoarthritis. Glucosamine sulfate supplements are also being prescribed these days. Such supplements increase production of cartilage and have anti-inflammatory properties. If symptoms become too debilitating, one can also opt for joint replacement surgery. However apart from medication and surgery, it is also possible to manage osteoarthritis symptoms by changing life style and diet. Pain management can be done through several home based remedies. Here are some ways to tackle osteoarthritis naturally.
1. Regular exercise, yoga and breathing exercises are very necessary for osteoarthritis patients. Exercise not only reduces joint stiffness, but also strengthens muscles and promotes the growth of cartilages. Range of motion exercises and aerobics should be done by osteoarthritis patients. Breathing exercises relax mind and relieve stress. But high impact sports are to be shunned, for they will only cause further wearing out of damaged joints.
2. Massage therapy is very helpful to treat arthritis. Massaging should be done through smooth strokes and kneading. Massaging reduces muscle spasm and stiffness, improves blood circulation, and eliminates wastes like lactic acid from the joints. Rumatone Gold massage oil, Castor oil, olive oil, mustard oil or hot vinegar may be used for massaging ailing joints.
3. Sea bathing is effective for painful joints. The iodine rich sea water restores and regenerates damaged tissues.
4. Diet should be nutritious and should include antioxidants, Vitamin C, D and E, minerals like Calcium, omega3 fatty acids. Such a diet would keep bones strong and healthy. Thus oily fishes like tuna, salmons, herring, sardines, and mackerel are very useful for osteoarthritis patients. Patients should avoid consuming food items of the nightshade group such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers. Red meat is to be strictly avoided. Also orange juice should be avoided, for it acts as a stimulant for osteoarthritis pain. Food cooked in flaxseed oil is very helpful for osteoarthritis patients.
5. Herbal tea like that of alfalfa, ginger can relieve patients from swollen and painful joints.
6. The patient should keep the body weight in check by means of exercise and dieting.
7. Hot compress and warm wax application on the affected area may relieve pain.
Read about Osteoarthritis Pain Relief supplements. Also know effective Home Remedies for Osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis Symptoms
1. Pain in the form of sharp ache or burning sensation
2. Inflexibility or stiffness of joint
3. Swelling
4. Crepitus or cracking noise while moving the affected joint.
5. Muscle spasm
6. Tendon contraction
7. The affected joint may appear larger than usual.
8. Tenderness at joints
9. Joint effusion due to accumulation of excess fluids within an affected joint.
10. Hard bony enlargements in smaller joints due to osteoarthritis.
Natural Treatments of Osteoarthritis
Medications like Acetaminophen, nonsteroidal pain reducing drugs like aspirin, naproxen, ketoprofen, and ibuprofen are usually recommended for treating osteoarthritis. Glucosamine sulfate supplements are also being prescribed these days. Such supplements increase production of cartilage and have anti-inflammatory properties. If symptoms become too debilitating, one can also opt for joint replacement surgery. However apart from medication and surgery, it is also possible to manage osteoarthritis symptoms by changing life style and diet. Pain management can be done through several home based remedies. Here are some ways to tackle osteoarthritis naturally.
1. Regular exercise, yoga and breathing exercises are very necessary for osteoarthritis patients. Exercise not only reduces joint stiffness, but also strengthens muscles and promotes the growth of cartilages. Range of motion exercises and aerobics should be done by osteoarthritis patients. Breathing exercises relax mind and relieve stress. But high impact sports are to be shunned, for they will only cause further wearing out of damaged joints.
2. Massage therapy is very helpful to treat arthritis. Massaging should be done through smooth strokes and kneading. Massaging reduces muscle spasm and stiffness, improves blood circulation, and eliminates wastes like lactic acid from the joints. Rumatone Gold massage oil, Castor oil, olive oil, mustard oil or hot vinegar may be used for massaging ailing joints.
3. Sea bathing is effective for painful joints. The iodine rich sea water restores and regenerates damaged tissues.
4. Diet should be nutritious and should include antioxidants, Vitamin C, D and E, minerals like Calcium, omega3 fatty acids. Such a diet would keep bones strong and healthy. Thus oily fishes like tuna, salmons, herring, sardines, and mackerel are very useful for osteoarthritis patients. Patients should avoid consuming food items of the nightshade group such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers. Red meat is to be strictly avoided. Also orange juice should be avoided, for it acts as a stimulant for osteoarthritis pain. Food cooked in flaxseed oil is very helpful for osteoarthritis patients.
5. Herbal tea like that of alfalfa, ginger can relieve patients from swollen and painful joints.
6. The patient should keep the body weight in check by means of exercise and dieting.
7. Hot compress and warm wax application on the affected area may relieve pain.
Read about Osteoarthritis Pain Relief supplements. Also know effective Home Remedies for Osteoarthritis.
Back Pain Sciatica Treatment, Causes and Symptoms That Work
Sciatica is a common form of back pain, the pain which originates from the hip or buttocks and is gradually transmitted down from the thighs to the legs, ankles and toes. The term "Sciatica" refers to the sciatic nerve that runs from the lower back through the buttocks and the legs. Sciatica pain is troublesome enough to restrict the free movements. People above 50 are prone to this problem. Sciatica is very often misdiagnosed with any leg pain that results due to sports or any strenuous activities. Often it becomes challenging to the doctors in making the right diagnosis.
Back pain due to Sciatica is mainly caused due to the compression of the roots of the sciatic nerve due to the herniated lumber discs. Other causes may be
1. Spondylolithesis
2. Lumbar spinal stenosis
3. Spinal tumors
4. Trauma
5. Piriformis syndrome
Sciatica is the pain in posterior region of the thigh which is transmitted to the legs, ankles and feet. Sciatica pain is much worse than other lower back pains. The pain often causes numbness in the legs. In prolonged suffering of Sciatica, the pain becomes localized in the buttocks and in the back of the thighs.
Treatment of Sciatica
1. Sufficient rest reduces the sciatica pain as it helps in reducing the inflammation of the nerves.
2. Medications like analgesics and other muscle relaxing injections and sprays are good to reduce the pains.
3. In some cases micro surgery is also good to alleviate the sciatica pain.
4. Physiotherapy is recommended in many cases of sciatica.
5. Regular exercises go a long way in curbing the problem of Sciatica.
6. Application of heat and ice packs are also very handy in reducing the pain. There are many benefit from the alternate heat and cold treatments.
7. External application of oil of wintergreen, which is rich in methyl salicylate is useful for its anti-inflammatory properties that helps in reducing sciatica.
8. Rubbing St. John's Wort oil diluted with olive oil also gives good results.
9. In acute Sciatica, a hot bath of Stinging Nettle herb is very beneficial. The leaves must be soaked in water for 12 hours and the strained water must be heated for bathing.
10. Taking tea of Horsetail herb reduces the pain, as it helps in building connective tissue.
11. Tea of Chamomile herb is also beneficial for this process.
12. Drinking hot milk with 2-3 cloves of raw garlic crushed in it provides relief from severe Sciatica pain.
13. Rumatone Gold herbal massage oil reduces the sciatica pain.
Read about Back Pain Treatment. Also know about Arthritis Joint Pain Relief supplements.
Back pain due to Sciatica is mainly caused due to the compression of the roots of the sciatic nerve due to the herniated lumber discs. Other causes may be
1. Spondylolithesis
2. Lumbar spinal stenosis
3. Spinal tumors
4. Trauma
5. Piriformis syndrome
Sciatica is the pain in posterior region of the thigh which is transmitted to the legs, ankles and feet. Sciatica pain is much worse than other lower back pains. The pain often causes numbness in the legs. In prolonged suffering of Sciatica, the pain becomes localized in the buttocks and in the back of the thighs.
Treatment of Sciatica
1. Sufficient rest reduces the sciatica pain as it helps in reducing the inflammation of the nerves.
2. Medications like analgesics and other muscle relaxing injections and sprays are good to reduce the pains.
3. In some cases micro surgery is also good to alleviate the sciatica pain.
4. Physiotherapy is recommended in many cases of sciatica.
5. Regular exercises go a long way in curbing the problem of Sciatica.
6. Application of heat and ice packs are also very handy in reducing the pain. There are many benefit from the alternate heat and cold treatments.
7. External application of oil of wintergreen, which is rich in methyl salicylate is useful for its anti-inflammatory properties that helps in reducing sciatica.
8. Rubbing St. John's Wort oil diluted with olive oil also gives good results.
9. In acute Sciatica, a hot bath of Stinging Nettle herb is very beneficial. The leaves must be soaked in water for 12 hours and the strained water must be heated for bathing.
10. Taking tea of Horsetail herb reduces the pain, as it helps in building connective tissue.
11. Tea of Chamomile herb is also beneficial for this process.
12. Drinking hot milk with 2-3 cloves of raw garlic crushed in it provides relief from severe Sciatica pain.
13. Rumatone Gold herbal massage oil reduces the sciatica pain.
Read about Back Pain Treatment. Also know about Arthritis Joint Pain Relief supplements.
Back Pain Relief Treatment, Causes and Symptoms that You Should Know
Back pain is such a common problem faced by many that can arise out of simple reasons, which are mostly left unheeded excepting those arising from the accidental injuries or aging. Most back pains are not serious and go away by applying simple remedies. If the underlying cause is age related arthritis or accident then it gives rise to grave situations demanding complex treatments with administration of drugs, injections, by wearing of specially made belts and undergoing frequent courses of physiotherapy. Herbal remedies in the form of oral supplements and massage are no less effective in providing the relief from pain in the back.
Back pains are serious botherations as they restrict the movement offering enough hindrance to carry out any work. Some symptoms are -
1. Pain in the back muscles, buttock that sometimes extend towards thighs and feet.
2. Stiffness and cramp in the muscles.
3. Feeling of pain while bending or moving.
1. Any physical injury that cause muscular sprain and strain.
2. Pressure exerted on the nerve roots when the pain extends below the thighs.
3. Age related arthritis
4. Degeneration of the spinal discs
5. Obesity
6. Spondylosis
7. Osteomyelitis
8. Pregnancy can also cause lower back pains.
Back pain of varying degrees can be treated by self care methods, herbal remedies and through different types of medications.
1. Backache can be reduced by sleeping on a firm bed without any mattress.
2. In severe pains complete bed rest is advised along with good sleep.
3. Exercising regularly and brisk walking helps in reducing the backache.
4. Certain yoga postures are also beneficial in treating this problem.
5. People whose work involves long hours of sitting must do some stretching and bending exercises to prevent backache.
6. Heat treatment through infrared rays is applied to get relief from backache.
7. Application of hot peppers and cayenne peppers is a very useful herbal remedy to get relief from backache. Pepper contains the active ingredient capsaicin, which helps in the release of pain reducing endorphins.
8. Taking equal proportions of the herb Black haw and Cramp bark in measured doses gives good results in relieving backache.
9. Taking Epsom salt bath is another good remedy for arthritis related back pain. Epsom gets absorbed by the skin resulting in an enhanced blood circulation.
10. The herb ginger contains about 12 anti-inflammatory compounds and so taking ginger tea regularly reduces the back pain to a great extent.
Other medications involve the administration of various analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs and local application of pain relieving sprays.
Read about Back Pain Treatment. Also know about Arthritis Joint Pain Relief supplements.
Back pains are serious botherations as they restrict the movement offering enough hindrance to carry out any work. Some symptoms are -
1. Pain in the back muscles, buttock that sometimes extend towards thighs and feet.
2. Stiffness and cramp in the muscles.
3. Feeling of pain while bending or moving.
1. Any physical injury that cause muscular sprain and strain.
2. Pressure exerted on the nerve roots when the pain extends below the thighs.
3. Age related arthritis
4. Degeneration of the spinal discs
5. Obesity
6. Spondylosis
7. Osteomyelitis
8. Pregnancy can also cause lower back pains.
Back pain of varying degrees can be treated by self care methods, herbal remedies and through different types of medications.
1. Backache can be reduced by sleeping on a firm bed without any mattress.
2. In severe pains complete bed rest is advised along with good sleep.
3. Exercising regularly and brisk walking helps in reducing the backache.
4. Certain yoga postures are also beneficial in treating this problem.
5. People whose work involves long hours of sitting must do some stretching and bending exercises to prevent backache.
6. Heat treatment through infrared rays is applied to get relief from backache.
7. Application of hot peppers and cayenne peppers is a very useful herbal remedy to get relief from backache. Pepper contains the active ingredient capsaicin, which helps in the release of pain reducing endorphins.
8. Taking equal proportions of the herb Black haw and Cramp bark in measured doses gives good results in relieving backache.
9. Taking Epsom salt bath is another good remedy for arthritis related back pain. Epsom gets absorbed by the skin resulting in an enhanced blood circulation.
10. The herb ginger contains about 12 anti-inflammatory compounds and so taking ginger tea regularly reduces the back pain to a great extent.
Other medications involve the administration of various analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs and local application of pain relieving sprays.
Read about Back Pain Treatment. Also know about Arthritis Joint Pain Relief supplements.
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