Sunday, October 3, 2010

Natural Ways to Treat Upper Back Pain

Back pain or backache is one of the most discomforting forms of pain our body experiences. There are many pain reliever and topical creams and lotions that promise to provide relief from back pain. Most of these painkillers or pain relievers available in the market give long term side effects. To avoid side effects, the easiest way is to try some natural ways to ease pain and discomfort. This article briefly describes some effective natural ways to treat upper back pain.

1. Taking the help of chiropractors and physiotherapists for adjusting joint imbalances and easing out tiring muscles respectively would fetch good results.

2. Massaging is one of the popular home remedies for back pain to sooth strained muscles. Herbal massage oils like Rumatone Gold oil, nagachampa massage oil, narayani oil, arnica oil, capsaicin ointments, olive oil, and eucalyptus body massage oil can be very helpful. Rumatone gold oil is made of pure herbal ingredients having anti inflammatory and pain relieving properties.

3. Lifting, bending and carrying activities should be done cautiously. Appropriate posture should be maintained while lifting. While lifting weight one should keep the knees bent and the back erect, place the object between feet and keep legs astride. This will help to avoid pressure on the back muscles.

4. Ice and heat therapy can ease out painful conditions. Rubbing a pack of ice cubes on the aching zone followed by a hot shower brings relief.

5. Analgesics or pain killers like aspirin, naproxen, ibruprofen, NSAIDs, anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants like cyclobenzaprine etc are medicines commonly used to treat upper back pain. But these may create some side effects. Try herbal medicine rumatone gold capsules, which have no side effects and works well in treating upper back pain.

6. The patient should avoid slouching, and use a chair that is hard enough and allows upright posture. The cozy, cushioned sofa and mattresses though appear tempting, they actually lead to improper spine alignment and back pain.

7. Acupuncture can relieve some patients of pain.

8. Light stretching and range of motion exercises enhance flexibility of the back muscles, reducing stiffness and tenderness.

9. Usage of specially designed braces may also help. Such braces provide additional support to weak, strained muscles and restrict further wear and tear.

10. Herbs like chamomile, burdock, devil's claw, boswelia have pain reducing and anti-inflammatory properties. These herbs may be taken in the form of supplements. Herbal supplements would possibly be the best way to suppress pain for they do away with harmful toxic effect of commercial allopathic medicines.

Read about Back Pain Treatment. Also know useful Home Remedies for Backache.

Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis That You Should Know

Physical, occupational, nutritional therapies are the non-pharmacological ways to combat the disease. Analgesia or pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs and disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs like azathioprine, gold salts, leflunomide, minocycline etc are being prescribed these days to control the progression of the disease. The disorder can also be tackled the natural way and through home based remedies.

The patient should carry out the treatment by balancing the commercial medicines along with natural remedies. This is to be done in order to escape to some extent the harmful side effects of toxins in the commercial medicines. Here are some natural ways to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

1. Light stretching exercise to mobilize affected joints is essential. Mobilization will reduce stiffness at the joint. If the joints attacked by rheumatoid arthritis are left idle and inactive, the problem of stiffness will only worsen. Heavy impact exercises like jumping, running, skiing etc are to be avoided.

2. Food items rich in Omega3 fatty acids, Gamma-linolenic acid should be consumed by rheumatoid arthritis patients. Cold water fishes like salmon, sardines, anchovies etc are rich in omega3 acids. Even fish oil capsules available in market can serve the purpose. Sea food diet thus is highly recommended as a cure for rheumatoid. Borage oil, black currant seed oil, primrose oil are rich sources of gamma-linolenic acids. Raw vegetable juices like that of celery, carrot, and beet can prove beneficial in reducing pain and inflammation.

3. Magnesium and copper supplements can prove beneficial.

4. Cupping therapy, a remarkable form of alternative treatment in Chinese medicine, proves to be an effective natural way of treating rheumatoid arthritis. The therapy reduces pain, inflammation, boosts up blood circulation and helps in getting rid of inflammation causing toxins.

5. Orthotic devices like braces, splints can be worn for acquiring easy mobility. They help in giving support to ailing joints.

6. Turmeric, dry ginger, boswellia, guggul are beneficial herbs that can treat the problem of pain and inflammation due to rheumatoid.

7. Green tea extracts may also bring some relief.

8. Ointments like Ben Gay and capsaicin creams may be rubbed on the ailing joints to get pain relief.

9. Smoking and consumption of caffeine are to be strictly avoided.

Rumatone Gold Capsules and Massage Oil are unique proprietary blend of natural ingredients to ease pain and stiffness due to rheumatoid arthritis. These supplements taken in a regular and disciplined way greatly help in relieving rheumatoid arthritis pain. As these supplements are made of plant-based herbal ingredients, they are safer and natural way to treat the problem.

Read about Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief supplements. Also know effective Home Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Osteoarthritis Symptoms, Natural Treatments and Remedies

Osteoarthritis is the commonest form of arthritis mainly seen in old aged people. This article mainly emphasizes on the major symptoms and natural treatments for osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis Symptoms

1. Pain in the form of sharp ache or burning sensation
2. Inflexibility or stiffness of joint
3. Swelling
4. Crepitus or cracking noise while moving the affected joint.
5. Muscle spasm
6. Tendon contraction
7. The affected joint may appear larger than usual.
8. Tenderness at joints
9. Joint effusion due to accumulation of excess fluids within an affected joint.
10. Hard bony enlargements in smaller joints due to osteoarthritis.

Natural Treatments of Osteoarthritis

Medications like Acetaminophen, nonsteroidal pain reducing drugs like aspirin, naproxen, ketoprofen, and ibuprofen are usually recommended for treating osteoarthritis. Glucosamine sulfate supplements are also being prescribed these days. Such supplements increase production of cartilage and have anti-inflammatory properties. If symptoms become too debilitating, one can also opt for joint replacement surgery. However apart from medication and surgery, it is also possible to manage osteoarthritis symptoms by changing life style and diet. Pain management can be done through several home based remedies. Here are some ways to tackle osteoarthritis naturally.

1. Regular exercise, yoga and breathing exercises are very necessary for osteoarthritis patients. Exercise not only reduces joint stiffness, but also strengthens muscles and promotes the growth of cartilages. Range of motion exercises and aerobics should be done by osteoarthritis patients. Breathing exercises relax mind and relieve stress. But high impact sports are to be shunned, for they will only cause further wearing out of damaged joints.

2. Massage therapy is very helpful to treat arthritis. Massaging should be done through smooth strokes and kneading. Massaging reduces muscle spasm and stiffness, improves blood circulation, and eliminates wastes like lactic acid from the joints. Rumatone Gold massage oil, Castor oil, olive oil, mustard oil or hot vinegar may be used for massaging ailing joints.

3. Sea bathing is effective for painful joints. The iodine rich sea water restores and regenerates damaged tissues.

4. Diet should be nutritious and should include antioxidants, Vitamin C, D and E, minerals like Calcium, omega3 fatty acids. Such a diet would keep bones strong and healthy. Thus oily fishes like tuna, salmons, herring, sardines, and mackerel are very useful for osteoarthritis patients. Patients should avoid consuming food items of the nightshade group such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers. Red meat is to be strictly avoided. Also orange juice should be avoided, for it acts as a stimulant for osteoarthritis pain. Food cooked in flaxseed oil is very helpful for osteoarthritis patients.

5. Herbal tea like that of alfalfa, ginger can relieve patients from swollen and painful joints.

6. The patient should keep the body weight in check by means of exercise and dieting.

7. Hot compress and warm wax application on the affected area may relieve pain.

Read about Osteoarthritis Pain Relief supplements. Also know effective Home Remedies for Osteoarthritis.

Back Pain Sciatica Treatment, Causes and Symptoms That Work

Sciatica is a common form of back pain, the pain which originates from the hip or buttocks and is gradually transmitted down from the thighs to the legs, ankles and toes. The term "Sciatica" refers to the sciatic nerve that runs from the lower back through the buttocks and the legs. Sciatica pain is troublesome enough to restrict the free movements. People above 50 are prone to this problem. Sciatica is very often misdiagnosed with any leg pain that results due to sports or any strenuous activities. Often it becomes challenging to the doctors in making the right diagnosis.


Back pain due to Sciatica is mainly caused due to the compression of the roots of the sciatic nerve due to the herniated lumber discs. Other causes may be

1. Spondylolithesis
2. Lumbar spinal stenosis
3. Spinal tumors
4. Trauma
5. Piriformis syndrome


Sciatica is the pain in posterior region of the thigh which is transmitted to the legs, ankles and feet. Sciatica pain is much worse than other lower back pains. The pain often causes numbness in the legs. In prolonged suffering of Sciatica, the pain becomes localized in the buttocks and in the back of the thighs.

Treatment of Sciatica

1. Sufficient rest reduces the sciatica pain as it helps in reducing the inflammation of the nerves.

2. Medications like analgesics and other muscle relaxing injections and sprays are good to reduce the pains.

3. In some cases micro surgery is also good to alleviate the sciatica pain.

4. Physiotherapy is recommended in many cases of sciatica.

5. Regular exercises go a long way in curbing the problem of Sciatica.

6. Application of heat and ice packs are also very handy in reducing the pain. There are many benefit from the alternate heat and cold treatments.

7. External application of oil of wintergreen, which is rich in methyl salicylate is useful for its anti-inflammatory properties that helps in reducing sciatica.

8. Rubbing St. John's Wort oil diluted with olive oil also gives good results.

9. In acute Sciatica, a hot bath of Stinging Nettle herb is very beneficial. The leaves must be soaked in water for 12 hours and the strained water must be heated for bathing.

10. Taking tea of Horsetail herb reduces the pain, as it helps in building connective tissue.

11. Tea of Chamomile herb is also beneficial for this process.

12. Drinking hot milk with 2-3 cloves of raw garlic crushed in it provides relief from severe Sciatica pain.

13. Rumatone Gold herbal massage oil reduces the sciatica pain.

Read about Back Pain Treatment. Also know about Arthritis Joint Pain Relief supplements.

Back Pain Relief Treatment, Causes and Symptoms that You Should Know

Back pain is such a common problem faced by many that can arise out of simple reasons, which are mostly left unheeded excepting those arising from the accidental injuries or aging. Most back pains are not serious and go away by applying simple remedies. If the underlying cause is age related arthritis or accident then it gives rise to grave situations demanding complex treatments with administration of drugs, injections, by wearing of specially made belts and undergoing frequent courses of physiotherapy. Herbal remedies in the form of oral supplements and massage are no less effective in providing the relief from pain in the back.


Back pains are serious botherations as they restrict the movement offering enough hindrance to carry out any work. Some symptoms are -

1. Pain in the back muscles, buttock that sometimes extend towards thighs and feet.
2. Stiffness and cramp in the muscles.
3. Feeling of pain while bending or moving.


1. Any physical injury that cause muscular sprain and strain.
2. Pressure exerted on the nerve roots when the pain extends below the thighs.
3. Age related arthritis
4. Degeneration of the spinal discs
5. Obesity
6. Spondylosis
7. Osteomyelitis
8. Pregnancy can also cause lower back pains.


Back pain of varying degrees can be treated by self care methods, herbal remedies and through different types of medications.

1. Backache can be reduced by sleeping on a firm bed without any mattress.

2. In severe pains complete bed rest is advised along with good sleep.

3. Exercising regularly and brisk walking helps in reducing the backache.

4. Certain yoga postures are also beneficial in treating this problem.

5. People whose work involves long hours of sitting must do some stretching and bending exercises to prevent backache.

6. Heat treatment through infrared rays is applied to get relief from backache.

7. Application of hot peppers and cayenne peppers is a very useful herbal remedy to get relief from backache. Pepper contains the active ingredient capsaicin, which helps in the release of pain reducing endorphins.

8. Taking equal proportions of the herb Black haw and Cramp bark in measured doses gives good results in relieving backache.

9. Taking Epsom salt bath is another good remedy for arthritis related back pain. Epsom gets absorbed by the skin resulting in an enhanced blood circulation.

10. The herb ginger contains about 12 anti-inflammatory compounds and so taking ginger tea regularly reduces the back pain to a great extent.

Other medications involve the administration of various analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs and local application of pain relieving sprays.

Read about Back Pain Treatment. Also know about Arthritis Joint Pain Relief supplements.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Back Muscle Pain Relief Treatment, Causes and Symptoms

Back muscle pain is the second most common physical disorder after cold that is experienced by 90% of the people in some stages of life. The pains can be acute and sub acute resulting from different causes. Is US, this is one of the major causes for missing out quite a number of working days. Most of the muscle pain cases as referred by doctors are the result of "musculoligamentous injuries", when the ligaments which remain attached to the bones get torn producing muscular sprain or when the muscle fibers are stretched abnormally producing muscular strain. The back muscle pain is undoubtedly very bothering producing enough discomfort in free movements, which are sometimes followed by unbearable pain.

Common symptoms are

1. Feeling of pain while bending or moving.
2. Constant muscle aches of varying intensities.
3. Stiffness of the muscles
4. Mild swelling


1. Sudden shock or injury in the back muscles.
2. Performing excessive strenuous jobs
3. Arthritis due to aging
4. Osteoporosis
5. Sciatica
6. Psychological stress
7. Tuberculosis

Leading a sedentary life or being a couch potato adds to the causes of the back pain. Regular exercise can prevent this problem naturally. You can also walk for half an hour (brisk walk).


Muscle pains unless they turn out to be chronic and grave can be cured completely with regular medications and exercises.

1. Regular exercising improves the blood circulation in the muscles and strengthens them that help in treating the back muscle pain as well as preventing it. Moreover, it controls the bodyweight that lowers the risk of any muscular pain.

2. Maintaining erect posture while movement improves the condition.

3. Cold treatment through application of ice bag on the back muscle for few days provides relief from the pain.

4. Avoid over strains in work unless the pain subsides completely. Work can be resumed after the cure at a slow pace as the muscles take time in adjusting to the exerted forces.

5. Massaging aromatic oils of peppermint, spearmint and other mint family herbs containing menthol are beneficial in this treatment. Rumatone Gold oil is very good herbal massage oil to treat muscle pain. Massage regularly with Rumatone Gold massage oil for effective results. For effective treatment you can also take rumatone gold capsules. Regular intake of both capsules and massage with oil for 2-3 months give permanent relief.

6. The constituents of ginger roots inhibit the production of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which are responsible for the pain and inflammation. Taking powdered ginger root regularly helps in reducing the back muscle pain.

Read about Back Pain Treatment. Also know about Arthritis Joint Pain Relief supplements.

Arthritis Causes - Factors Causing Joint Pain and Inflammation

Arthritis is a disorder causing joint inflammation. Joint inflammation includes inflammation of joint lining or synovium, surrounding tissues, eroding of bones and cartilages. Arthritis is a very common ailment, and chronic in nature. Once attacked by arthritis, it is not possible to eradicate the disorder completely, but remission of the disorder is possible through medications, changing of lifestyle and habits, simple home remedies involving natural herbal massage oil and herbal supplements.

Pain is the most torturing symptom of arthritis. Pain is often accompanied by swelling, joint stiffness, tenderness, redness of skin around joint, crepitus or crunching sound while moving affected joints, deformity, anemia, constipation, colitis, limited range of motion, fatigue. Many symptoms occur together making the disease debilitating, and the patient almost crippled. Life activities and mobility becomes quite difficult. Ankles, wrists, neck, back, shoulder, knee and hip are the joints commonly invaded by arthritis. Arthritis can inflict people of all ages. Osteoarthritis is noticeable in elderly people while rheumatoid arthritis is common among youths. Of the many forms of arthritis, the above two forms are the most widespread. One can use herbal supplements for arthritis joint pain to get relief from achy and stiffed joints.

Causes of Arthritis

1. Age is one factor causing arthritis. With advancing age, the bone protecting cartilages become weak and brittle. The fluid content in the cartilages rise, the protein make up starts breaking up, leaving crevasses on the cartilages, the cartilages start flaking, and in no time are lost exposing the bones to friction. The result is arthritis.

2. Obesity also causes arthritis. The extra load on joints due to weight gain causes the wearing out of cartilages and rubbing of one bone against the other.

3. High impact sports and activities like wrestling, boxing, gymnastic, ballet dancing etc cause much wear and tear of cartilages, and often lead to arthritis in future.

4. Certain occupations trigger arthritis. Occupations like cotton processing, carpentry, shipyard work, the work of a construction worker etc involve frequent kneeling and squatting. Such occupations easily wear out joints, thereby leading to arthritis.

5. Arthritis is an inherited disorder, and seems to run in the family. In other words, heredity or genes is an arthritis causing factor.

6. Tobacco smoking and stress also may initiate or aggravate arthritic conditions.

7. Infection by viruses or bacteria may also lead to arthritis. For instance, the bacterium that causes gonorrhea or Lyme disease or the bacterium causing diarrhea is also responsible for causing arthritis.

8. High levels of urate or uric acid in blood lead to an arthritis called gout. Alcohol intakes, high blood pressure, fasting, over eating, taking diuretic medications are risk factors in case of this form of arthritis.

9. Previous history of traumatic joint injury or bone fracture may in future cause arthritis.

10. Also past history of septic joint may later cause arthritis.

11. Immune system abnormalities also cause arthritis.

12. Preponderance of calcium pyrophosphate in the body also causes arthritis.

Read about Arthritis Joint Pain Relief supplements. Also know how Herbal Pain Relief Oil helps relieve arthritis and joint pain.

Upper Back Pain Relief, Massage Tips and Causes of Backache

Upper back pain is also known as middle back pain or thoracic pain. The pain covers an area which has the bottom of the neck as its upper limit and the top of the lumbar spine as its lower limit. The thoracic region consists of twelve vertebrae. The first nine among the twelve are attached to the ribs of the chest on either side of the spine. The ribs then take a turn or curve around the side of the body to get attached to the breast bone in front. This forms the rib cage or thoracic cage that functions as a protective cage for the major organs like heart and lungs, and also gives the organs sufficient support for proper functioning. The region, as one can understands, is an important weight bearing region, bearing the load of the upper body as well as serving as an anchor for the ribs, or aiding the formation of the rib cage.

Pain in this region thus can be quite tormenting, making life difficult. Upper back pain however is not always limited to upper back alone. It may radiate in to the neck, shoulders, arms and hands. This takes place because nerve fibers of neck, hands, arms etc are all connected to the spinal cord. The major symptoms include acute or chronic pain, weakness, bowel problem, and stiffness of muscles in the affected region after waking up in the morning, sudden tightness in neck, back or arms, numbness, weight loss and fever. The pain that occurs in the upper back region may be in the form of dull ache or sharp pain, it may be constant or recur at regular intervals, and it may be diffused or concentrated.

Causes of Back Pain

1. Straining of muscles or soft tissues like ligaments or tendons due to over use through repetitive movements, trauma or accident, and poor posture.
2. Compression fracture of vertebrae due to osteoporosis.
3. Spinal disc herniation
4. Degenerative disc disease.

Back Massage for Pain Relief

Back massage is a natural way to relieve back pain and stiffness. Use massage oil to decrease the friction created on the skin and to prevent the pulling of hairs. Massaging the back with herbal anti inflammatory oil such as Rumatone Gold Oil has great therapeutic benefits too. Use slower movements for a soothing or comforting response. The herbal ingredients present in Rumatone Gold Oil have pain relieving and anti inflammatory properties. A gentle massage with this oil also improves blood circulation and eases pain and discomfort.

Read about Back Pain Treatment. Also know useful Home Remedies for Backache.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic systemic or whole body disorder particularly affecting the synovial joints. It may however affect major organs and tissues as well. The root cause of the disorder is still unknown, but it has been noticed by experts that autoimmunity plays a leading role in the progression and development of the disorder. Thus it is often grouped as an autoimmune disorder. When rheumatoid attacks a synovial joint, it actually causes inflammation of the synovium, the membrane secreting synovial fluid. This further causes the development of pannus in the synovium, and enlargement of synovial cells, thereby leading to excess production of synovial fluids.

As the disease progresses, total damage of articular cartilage and ankylosis of joints occur. Apart from synovial joints, rheumatoid may inflict organs like kidney, lungs, heart and blood vessels, also the subcutaneous tissue under skin. It should be checked at the inception, or else it may lead to total loss of mobility or permanent disability. It is common among youths, and females are more attacked by rheumatoid than men. Smaller joints like fingers, wrists, cervical spine etc generally fall prey to rheumatoid arthritis, and the attack of the disorder takes place in a symmetrical pattern. The pain associated with rheumatoid worsens early in the morning just after waking up from sleep, and restricts activity for quite some time.


The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is a subject of research all over the world. Researchers have suspected heredity or genes to be a factor promoting the disease. Also it has been assumed that any infection due to bacteria, virus or fungi, or any other environmental factor like smoking tobacco serves as a stimulant or catalyst making the immune system hyperactive. The hyperactive immune system gets misdirected, and invades the body's own healthy tissues, thereby causing inflammation in the affected area.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

1. Excruciating muscle and joint ache
2. Swelling of joints
3. Stiffness of joints
4. Redness of skin around the affected joint
5. Joint tenderness
6. Low grade fever
7. Fatigue
8. Loss of appetite
9. Anemia
10. Hoarseness of voice
11. Shortness of breathing
12. Chest pain
13. Dryness in mouth
14. Lumps under skin or rheumatoid nodules

Timely aggressive diagnosis of the disorder is necessary. It may be done through blood tests such as rheumatoid factor test, X-rays.

Rumatone Gold Capsules and Massage Oil are breakthrough herbal ayurvedic formula to combat rheumatoid arthritis. A regular course of these supplements for 2 months provides lasting relief from the symptoms of rheumatoid.

Read about Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief supplements. Also know effective Home Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Osteoarthritis Natural Ayurvedic Remedies and Causes

Arthritis is a joint disorder characterized by inflammation of joint, and Osteoarthritis is one of the several types of arthritis. It is the commonest form of arthritis noticeable in elderly people. Osteoarthritis is also known by the names of wear and tear arthritis, degenerative joint disease or old person’s arthritis. When osteoarthritis occurs, there is wear and tear or degradation of articular cartilage and subchondral bone, as a result of which several mechanical abnormalities arise.

When cartilages are lost due to degeneration, bones at the joint are exposed to each other, and get damaged due to friction. The friction may often lead to the formation of spurs or bony outgrowths named as osteophytes. All these cause severe pain at the joints, and may even cause immobility at the joint. Due to decreased movement, atrophy of the muscles around the joint may occur, and the ligaments holding the bones in place may become loose, or stop functioning in their natural way. Hands, feet, spine, knee or hip joints are usually attacked by osteoarthritis. The pain at the affected joint may worsen, at the end of the day’s usage. Humid or cold weather also worsens the pain in many osteoarthritis patients.

Causes of Osteoarthritis

1. Aging is the primary cause of osteoarthritis. As body starts aging, cartilages become weak, owing to accumulation of fluids in the cartilage and degeneration or breaking up of the protein make up. The cartilages thus become brittle, may start flaking or tiny crevasses may be formed on the surface of the cartilages. In no time total loss of cartilage may occur, exposing the bones to rub against each other. Such worn out joints become inflamed or swollen through repetitive use.

2. Obesity also causes osteoarthritis. As weight increases, the joints are compelled to bear the load of extra weight which is often beyond their capacity. The excessive pressure causes much wear and tear of the cartilage cushions.

3. Heredity or genetic grounds is also responsible for causing osteoarthritis. The disorder is often seen to run in the family.

4. Congenital joint disorder may also lead to osteoarthritis.

5. Past history of septic joint or any other joint infection may cause osteoarthritis in future.

6. Trauma or injury to joint due to accident may in future take the shape of osteoarthritis.

7. Ligamentous deterioration may cause osteoarthritis.

8. Inflammatory diseases like perthe's disease, lyme disease, gout, costochondritis may lead to osteoarthritis ultimately.

9. Diabetes is another factor causing osteoarthritis.

10. Marfan syndrome, Wilson's disease, hemochromatosis are other factors leading to osteoarthritis.

Ayurvedic herbal supplement Rumatone Gold Capsule is an effective natural remedy for osteoarthritis. One can apply Rumatone Gold Oil in conjunction with supplementing Rumatone Gold Capsule for getting faster relief from osteoarthritis.

Read about Osteoarthritis Pain Relief supplements. Also know effective Home Remedies for Osteoarthritis.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Rheumatoid Arthritis Causes, Symptoms and Natural Remedies That You Should Know

Rheumatoid arthritis is much different from osteoarthritis and it has nothing to do with age. It usually strikes between 20 and 30 years old and it is an auto-immune disease. Its causes are not yet clear for the researchers, but they have reached the conclusion that women are more likely to develop this condition than men. The reasons are not understood. However, this is a serious condition that completely messes up one's life. The disease progresses in time even though the patients also experience periods when the symptoms completely disappear. It starts with affecting the joints in the hands and wrists and sufferers usually feel worse in the morning, for about an hour after waking up. The joint stiffness and pain is usually symmetrical, this meaning that both hands will be affected, not just one, or both feet, depending on the case.

There are many ways in which rheumatoid arthritis patients can obtain relief from the symptoms of the disease. Herbal remedies are one of the safest methods. Rheumatoid arthritis can't be cured, but it can be slowed down and the patients' condition and quality of life can be improved. Ayurvedic remedies for rheumatoid arthritis are also highly beneficial in relieving the symptoms. Here are some herbs that can do that -

1. Borage seed oil - It contains anti-inflammatory substances and Omega-6 fatty acids which help the body fight inflammation.

2. Boswelia - It is efficient both in rheumatoid arthritis and in osteoarthritis. It has the power of reducing pain and inflammation and it also helps the damaged cartilage to grow. Administration of boswelia also improves the blood flow to the affected joint which means that this will be better nourished with all the minerals that the cartilage needs for preserving its condition.

3. Eucalyptus oil - It is an excellent pain killer if massaged on the affected joints.

4. Holy basil - It contains ursolic acid, strong anti-inflammatory substances. Besides, this, it is also effective in preventing cancer, so not only provides relief from rheumatoid arthritis but also has a positive impact on one's overall health condition.

5. Oregano - The compounds of this product can easily compete with the most prestigious drugs. It contains 31 anti-inflammatory agents and 28 antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that fight free radicals, responsible for damaging the cells.

6. Pine essential oil - Massaging it on the painful joints provides relief both in cases of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Its action is similar with that of cortisone drugs, but using it provokes no side effects.

7. Rumatone Gold oil - Massaging it on the painful area provides very good relief in case of any type of arthritis. If it is taken with Rumatone Gold capsules it works faster.

Find how Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief Supplement helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Read about effective Home Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Osteoarthritis Causes, Symptoms and Effective Natural Remedies That You Should Know

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It is a degenerative condition that occurs as a result of the fact that the cartilage of the joints wears down. Its causes are not known so far, but there are strong evidences that osteoarthritis is connected with the aging process. In time, the cartilages begin to contain more water than protein and they slowly damage, leaving the bones uncovered, inflamed and painful. Women over 55 years old seem to be more likely to develop this disease than men of the same age. Before 55, more males are affected. The joints that are primarily affected by osteoarthritis are those carrying high weights, like the knee and the hip. It also affects the hands, feet and spine.

The difference between osteoarthritis and other forms of arthritis is that this one only affects the joints, leaving other body organs healthy. Pain and swelling of joints are the most common symptoms. They usually worsen in time and, during a single day, they are more severe in the second part of the day. Every patient perceives the pain in his or hers individual way and sufferers react differently to various treatment methods. Herbal remedies for osteoarthritis are popular because they offer relief from the pain and they reduce the stiffness and the swelling without messing up the entire body with their side effects.

Herbal supplements are very appreciated by people with osteoarthritis because they have anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties that can compete with the most advanced drugs on the market. Ginger extract, produced from dried ginger root, diminishes pain and inflammation in the joints, but it needs to be used with caution by people who are on medication for blood thinning because it can interfere with it. ASU is another herbal supplement that works in case of osteoarthritis. It is produced from soybean oil and avocado and it doesn't have any side effects on the long run. It appears to slow down the evolution of the disease because it keeps the cartilage healthy.

Studies were also made on feverfew extract. They have proven that it has an anti-inflammatory action when compared with placebo. The extract is made from dried leaves of feverfew. Cat’s claw, a plant that grows in Amazonian forests also contains agents that fight inflammation. The bottom line is that herbal supplements can be very helpful in patients with osteoarthritis, but a medical opinion is necessary in order to prevent potential interactions with traditional medication.

Read effective Osteoarthritis Pain Relief Supplements. Read about effective Home Remedies for Osteoarthritis.

Joint Pain Treatment - Effective Remedies for Relief From Pain and Inflammation

When the ends of two or more bones are connected with the help of thick bands of tissue called ligaments then this is known as joint. For example lower leg bone forms knee joint which is known as shinbone or tibia, and the thighbone is known as femur.

Usually people at certain age or in some people before that age, joint pain occur. Though there are varieties of causes for pain in the joints but one of the most common cause is arthritis. Some of the common types of arthritis which results in joint pain are -

Osteoarthritis - It is also known as degenerative arthritis. This condition is also known as ‘’wearing out’’ and it involves the breakdown of cartilage in the joints. After ’wearing out’ of the cartilage the bones rub against each other and result into pain and stiffness.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Usually it affects women and it may affect each and every organ of the body. There is a swelling and inflammation in the joint.

Post traumatic Arthritis - This condition is caused after an injury to the joint in which the cartilage does not heal properly.

Avascular Necrosis - In this condition the bone is deprived of normal blood supply. Due to the absence of proper nutrition from the blood, gradually the bones structure weakens and it collapse and damage the cartilage.

Before going for any treatment of joint pain, a proper diagnosis is must. Some of the orthopaedic evaluation -

1. A thorough medical history
2. A physical examination
3. X-rays
4. Additional tests as needed

Based on the orthopaedic evaluation, the treatment options may include

1. Medications
2. Physical therapy
3. Joint fluid supplements
4. Joint replacement

Medication - For treating the joint pain and stiffness of arthritis, many different medications are used. Most common prescribed drugs are the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, or NSAIDs. It may be taken for a long term period for the reduction of swelling and pain which is caused by arthritis.

Physical Therapy - Physical therapy is must for the patient suffering from the problem of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It includes various exercises to increase muscle strength and also help in preserving the function. It also includes daily walking, using a cane or other supporting device.

Joint Fluid Supplements - 'Joint grease' injections are prescribed for the patients who do not show any improvement with the previous treatments.

Total Joint Replacement: Patients suffering from severe arthritis conditions have to move for total joint replacement. It is the last treatment option for joint pain.

Herbal pain relief oil for arthritis are also extensively used to get relief from achy joints. It gives more beneficial results when used along with herbal supplements.

Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.

6 Effective Joint Pain Treatments and Remedies That Work

Joint pain treatment should take into consideration what is causing the pain in the first place. There is no use in only treating the symptom because it will occur again unless the underlying cause is eliminated. It can be caused by a lot of things, from minor sport injuries to serious medical conditions. A significant number of those that accuse joint pains are suffering of arthritis in one of its many forms. Joint pain treatment should not be neglected because nothing good will happen. The pain won't go away unless you do something about it and, even more, it will worsen.

Treatment usually includes non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and pain killers. However, there are also people who prefer to use natural remedies for improving their condition because they are safer. Herbal remedies and essential oils are a good choice in joint pain. You would be amazed to find out how many herbs have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Some of them were even used by researchers in creating synthetic drugs. Patients should also be aware of the fact that joint pain treatment, be it synthetic or natural, must be accompanied by a healthy diet, rich in minerals and by gentle exercises, especially if pain is caused by arthritis.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of treatments -

1. Camphor - Make yourself an ointment from one teaspoon of camphor and the same amount of sunflower oil and use it for massaging your aching joints.

2. Ginger - It is believed that ginger root extract is capable of stopping the production of certain substances that provoke joint inflammation.

3. Rumatone Gold - Both the oil and the capsule is useful. You can use the oil for massaging the painful joint and this will provide immediate relief or you can take capsules on a regular basis. Rumatone Gold strengthens the bone tissue.

4. Boswelia - Clinical studies have proven that it has a positive effect on reducing pain and inflammation. If the pain in the joints is caused by rheumatoid arthritis, it is usually accompanied by morning stiffness and boswelia is also efficient in reducing this one.

5. Turmeric - A teaspoonful of turmeric powder mixed in a cup of hot milk has a great analgesic effect and eliminates all pain, not just joint pain.

6. Apple cider vinegar - It can either be used for massaging the joints before going to sleep, or it can be mixed with honey and water and drank every day.

Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.

What Are The Symptoms of Joint Pain?

Joint pain is a medical condition affecting a lot of people. It can be caused by a multitude of factors. Sometimes it's only a simple injury or a sprain, but in other cases it can have underlying causes like arthritis. It is very important to see a physician in order to determine exactly what causes pain in the joints and to eliminate the root cause. If there is a serious disease, like osteoarthritis, immediate measures need to be taken because temporary relief won't be enough. Joint pain symptoms are strongly related to the causes. They can include ache, stiffness, swelling, redness and reduction of the flexibility of the joint. Patients' quality of life is seriously affected and something needs to be done in order to ensure a normal life and normal ability to move. Sometimes it is difficult even for physicians to determine if the actual joint is causing the symptoms of if the ligaments and tendons are affected.

If joint pain symptoms are bothering you for an extended period of time and you can't remember an injury that might have provoked them, it's compulsory to see a doctor and to start a treatment. It can be anything from osteoarthritis to autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or diseases like gout or bone cancer. If joint pain symptoms are caused by a form of arthritis, also ask your physician about alternative treatment methods like herbal supplements or essential oils.

Traditional treatment includes anti-inflammatory drugs, gentle stretching exercises, warm baths and massage. Herbal supplements are an adjuvant in such cases and sometimes they might even eliminate completely the need for synthetic drugs. Black cohosh extract, from the root of this plant, contains, for instance, anti-inflammatory compounds similar with those found in aspirin, a drug widely use for relieving pain in the joints. Besides, this herb also contains antispasmodic agents. Devil's claw is another helpful herbal supplement and sufferers should take 1000 mg daily in order to obtain good results on the long run. Bromelain, a substance found in pineapple is commonly used as an anti-inflammatory agent and its characteristics were noticed after it started being used to prevent injuries in sportsmen.

Rosemary can either be taken as tea or as extract and does a lot of good for joint pain sufferers because of its anti-inflammatory and analgesic compounds or the essential oil can be used for massaging the aching joints on a regular basis. Lavender, chamomile and juniper essential oils are also recommended for massage. Massage is helpful with or without essential oils, but using them ensures a faster alleviation of pain. Rumatone Gold is one the best oil available on internet for joint pain.

Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Joint Pain Signs and Symptoms That You Should Know

Today in every part of this developing world there exist common problem of joint pain. This condition is not a disease but only a symptom. But eventually it has become a part of every body's life and especially aged people get affected by this problem. It may be also defined as the symptom or condition of inflammation or the bursa which is a fluid filled space. This condition is also known as arthralgia and it can affect one or more joints. Mostly the joints of legs and arms are commonly affected. The problem of pain in the joint is experienced by most of the people in their lives.

Numbers of conditions or injuries are responsible for the problem of pain in the joint. They may be rheumatoid arthritis which is an autoimmune disease and involves stiffness in the joint. The other cause is osteoarthritis which involves painful bone spurs and degeneration of cartilage in a joint. Usually it affects the adults of 45 years and above. Some infectious diseases like measles and mumps also cause the problem of pain in the joint.

Some of its main and common causes of this signs and symptom are -

1. Excessive strain on the joint.
2. Injury to joint.
3. Inflammation of the bursa known as bursitis.
4. Inflammation of the tendons which supports the joint called as tendonitis.
5. Inflammation of joints which is known as arthritis.

Sometimes the joint pain may be quite bothersome but in some case it may be unbearable. Whatever may be the cause of the joint pain, the intensity of the pain and its duration is variable in different case. The pain starts increasing with the use of the affected joint. The other signs and symptoms of the joint pain are numbness, weakness, sleeping difficulties and tingling. Sometimes the signs and symptoms of pain in the joints are also accompanied by lack of energy and depression. In many case the pain lasts for more than six months. In this case and condition, the problem of pain in the joint is considered to be chronic. It is very difficult to treat the chronic pain of joint.

In some cases, conventional medical treatments may help in relieving the signs and symptoms of joint pain. In many cases, natural medicine treatments are also very effective. It eliminates the pain permanently by the treatment like Prolotherapy. For many joint pain especially caused due to gout, diet also plays an important role in increasing and reducing the problem. In many case, exercise, yoga and walking are also very effective.

Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.

Joint Pain Relief Remedies and Natural Treatments That Work

Regardless the causes of joint pain, obtaining pain relief seems to be almost vital for sufferers. It is easily understandable why, if we think that joint pain is seriously affecting our lives and it makes us incapable of performing even the simplest activities. Many people struggle with the pain for years, living under the impression that nothing can be done in order to improve their condition. When experiencing pain in the joints, the first step that you need to take in order to put an end to this situation is to see a doctor and to determine the causes of your pain. Only afterwards an efficient treatment scheme can be established. There are also many natural remedies that can help you get joint pain relief.

Warm baths and massage are soothing and relaxing for your joints. If you also use essential oils when massaging the painful joints, you will benefit of their anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Lavender oil, rosemary oil and chamomile oil are known for their pain killing effect while cypress oil and juniper oil contain anti-inflammatory compounds. Minerals like magnesium and nutrients like omega 6 fatty acids are of uttermost importance for the health of your joints because they ensure a lower level of damage to the cartilages. If you can’t get enough of these substances from your daily diet, consider taking supplements. Talk to your doctor to establish the recommended dose in your case.

Herbal supplements can sometimes even replace traditional medication. It is also best to ask for the opinion of your doctor before taking any because they might interfere with the synthetic drugs that were prescribed to you. Take a look at the following list of herbs that are efficiently used in obtaining joint pain relief -

1. Stinging nettle - The anti-inflammatory compounds are similar with those in steroids. It also contains boron, a mineral ensuring joint health.

2. Alfalfa - It contains an impressive number of essential minerals. It is available both as powder and as tea.

3. Feverfew - Clinical studies have shown that it is more efficient than non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is best to take 250 mg daily.

4. Ginger - It has no side effects and it was proven to have great results in joint pain caused by osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

5. Yucca - Studies showed that it reduces joint pain associated with arthritis. This might happen indirectly due to the fact that it affects the gastrointestinal flora and reduces bacterial endotoxin absorption.

Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.

Joint Pain Relief Herbal Remedies and Supplements That Work

Joint pain is a common condition which is related with many possible causes. There are many possible causes of pain in the joints. The condition of joint pain can be divided into different categories.

Due to autoimmune disorders, in this condition a body of a person against its own tissues produces antibodies. These disorders include the problem of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.

Conditions which affect metabolism like gout and pseudogout. In this condition materials are being deposited into the joints.

Sometimes due to some infection of the joint, pain occurs which is called septic arthritis.

Sometimes pain may occur due to wear and tear, like injury, from overuse or osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is related with the most common form of joint inflammation or joint arthritis.

There are further more causes of pain in the joint but in some cases there may be no cause.

Though there are lots of treatments of pain in the joint. Some of its important symptom is related with -

1. If the pain continues beyond three days.
2. Involuntary weight loss of more than 10 pounds.
3. Severe pain, sometimes unexplained pain in the joint is accompanied by some other unexplained symptoms.

Though there are lots of treatments of joint pain but it may be treated with the help of herbal remedies as well as with the help of natural way of treatment. Some of the effective herb -

One herbal product known as Rumatone Gold is very effective. Its oil as well as capsules both is effective. Rumatone Gold strengthens the bone tissues, the skeletal and the neuromuscular systems besides giving relief in rheumatic arthritis. It also provides comfortable movements of joints and muscles. It increases the level of energy as it is a powerful antioxidant. It removes stiffness and also increases the mobility of limbs. It provides relief from muscular strains, backaches, rheumatic pains, joint pains etc.

Other herb known as Shallaki is also very effective. It reduces swelling, stiffness and pain in the body. This herb has a proven pain relieving as well as anti inflammatory effects. It speeds up the formation of cartilage and also improves the blood circulation in the joints.

Ashwagandha is also very effective herb. It is an Asian plant of the potato family. It is an effective herb especially for treating the problem of rheumatism, high blood pressure, immune dysfunctions, erection problems and also to reduce inflammation.

Some diets are also responsible to reduce the pain in the joint. People suffering from joint pain must avoid the use of dairy products, citrus, meat, vegetable oils etc.

Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.

Joint Pain Causes That You Should Know

The problem of joint pain is related with the sensation of inflammation, discomfort, achiness, soreness and there is stiffness in a joint or joints of the body. Joints are the place or area where two or more bones meet. The condition of pain in the joint can result from the problem of infection, malignancy, trauma, autoimmune diseases and other abnormal process.

Joint pain gives the indication of relatively benign condition like mild sprain. It is the result of the condition or disorder like ankylosing spondylitis, bursitis, a moderate ligament sprain or a dislocation. It is also associated with a serious condition which may be life threatening. These include leukemia, bone cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis.

The time period of the joint pain depends upon its cause. Sometimes it may be for short term and disappear quickly but in many cases it may be for extended period and also problematic.

In some cases joint pain can occur suddenly and severely. For example: when pain occurs in shoulder dislocation. Sometimes it may be of chronic nature and may continue over a long period of time, like pain due to osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

Variety of traumatic conditions are also responsible for including which includes sprains, contusions, sports injuries, joint separation and dislocations. Some other traumatic injuries which are responsible for pain in the joint and it include tennis elbow, swimmer's shoulder, torn cartilage torn ligaments and sprained ankle.

There are some chronic degenerative conditions which result into pain in the joint. They are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. There are some infectious diseases and condition which can cause pain in the joint which include septic arthritis and rheumatic fever.

Sometimes joint pain occurs in addition to other symptoms. These symptoms include edema or swelling of the joint, redness and inflammation, and fever. In this condition the complications of pain in the joint may be progressive and vary depending on the different cause.

To have a perfect diagnosis about the pain in the joint, varieties of test must be performed. Proper treatment of jaundice involves exact diagnosis and proper treatment of the disorder or disease causing the pain in the joint. Some of the condition of the joint pain can be easily and successfully treated and cured but in some cases of pain, the treatment is not so easy. It requires more intensive treatment and it is also possible that it may not have an optimal prognosis.

Some diets are also responsible for pain in the joint. So with the help of a doctor those food items must be restricted.

Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.

Arthritis Treatment That Reduces Pain and Inflammation of Joints

The word 'arthritis' is means 'inflammation of joints'. Usually it is a chronic disease process. In various forms arthritis affects the people but most frequent it affects in the form of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative joint disease and usually it affects the older age group people. Rheumatoid arthritis is little bit serious disease. It also affects muscles, tendons and other tissues of the body apart from the joints of the wrists, fingers, hips, knees and feet.

Though, symptoms of arthritis are different for different types of arthritis. But some of its common symptoms are pain and stiffness in the joints, anemia, colitis and deformed hands and feet. Usually after doing some exercise, the pain in the joints increases. In rheumatoid arthritis the whole body is affected gradually.

There are different causes of arthritis. Some of its common causes are hormonal imbalance, physical and emotional stress, heredity and structural changes in the articular cartilage in the joints.

Arthritis can be treated in different ways to get an effective result. Many people go on changing their treatment plan as it suits them. But to find the best treatment for arthritis is a long process. The best goals of the treatment of arthritis are -

1. To decrease the symptoms of arthritis.
2. Maintain the function of joint.
3. To preserve mobility and range of motion.
4. Prevent or minimize the damage and deformities in the joint.
5. Slow progression of the disease.

Different treatments of arthritis

1. Treatment of arthritis through medication: It is considered to be the traditional treatment for arthritis. Doctors prescribe one or two medicines depending upon the severity of arthritis.

2. Injections into a joint: Several types of injections are there which can be given locally into the joint. For specific, painful joint local steroid injections can be used.

3. Natural treatments: Now days most of the people are interested in natural treatments rather than going for traditional medications or joint injections. There are several options for natural treatment. They are known as alternative treatments. Though they are very popular but not fully endorsed for its safety and effectiveness.

4. Complementary medicines: This type of treatment for arthritis is also very popular. It includes regular exercises, yoga, eating nutritious diet, intake of fruits and green vegetables etc.

5. Surgical options: Some people are left with no option rather than opting surgical option. This is considered to be the last resort treatment option.

Find how Arthritis Supplement helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Read useful Home Remedies for Arthritis.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Joint Pain Causes and Natural Remedies - Best Way to Relieve Pain and Inflammation

Joint pain is a debilitating and tormenting medical condition accompanied by discomfort, inflammation and stiffness. It can have multitude of causes, from minor ones to mores serious ones. It can be something not at all risky, like a minor injury, or it can signalize life threatening medical conditions like arthritis or even bone cancer.

It can also be the result of autoimmune diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis. In most fortunate cases, joint pain comes from a bursitis, a mild sprain, a contusion or a sport injury. In these cases, it will not last long and it will go away with time. When joint pain is the result of a serious disease, like osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, things get a little more complicated because these conditions are chronic and, without proper care and treatment, the pain won't go away. When it comes to chronic conditions, time will only worsen the situation, if no measures are taken.

Depending on what caused joint pain, this can also be accompanied by other symptoms like swelling, redness or even fever. However, if you experience prolonged joint pain, you must by all means make an appointment with a physician in order to establish the underlying causes of your condition and to determine what to do next. There is no reason to panic because there are plenty of remedies, regardless what caused it.

Here are some natural ways of obtaining relief from pain and of reducing the inflammation, if the case requires it.

1. Avocado and soybean oil - Reduces the pain and improves the sufferers ability to move around

2. Rumatone Gold oil - Massage is recommended for reducing joint pain and for improving the condition of the bone tissue. It also has a positive effect on the flexibility of the joints.

3. Olive oil - This is an affordable and at hand remedy. Massage with warm olive oil reduces pain. If you mix it with kerosene oil, you also obtain an effective home remedy.

4. Vinegar - Massage the painful joints with warm vinegar every night before going to sleep

5. Boswelia - It has a strong anti-inflammatory action that is also obtained if taking non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It has no side effects if used for a prolonged period of time.

6. Devil's claw - It has an anti-inflammatory action and sufferers should take doses of 1 gram two times a day.

These natural treatments are safe and effective in treating joint pain.

Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.

Gout Arthritis Remedies and Natural Treatments That Work

Gout arthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis. It is caused by excess of uric acid in the body which, if it is not metabolized correctly, it piles up in the joints forming small crystals. These crystals quickly provoke and inflammation of the joint which results in pain and swelling. Gout, like the great majority of arthritis forms, is a degenerative and chronic condition. It seems to affect more men than women. Because it is caused by the body's inability of metabolizing the uric acid, gout arthritis is also associated with kidney problems. Sometimes crystals of uric acid also form lumps around the joints. It is believed that this condition is also genetically inherited. Gout sufferers experience extremely painful attacks because the inflammation occurs fast and without prior notice. As the disease progresses and becomes more and more severe, the attacks happen more often. Gout arthritis is a dangerous medical condition and it shouldn't be left untreated under no circumstances.

Patients are primarily concerned about obtaining pain relief and reducing the inflammation or, otherwise said, about putting an end to the gout attack. Analgesic effect can be obtained with natural remedies and some herbal supplements have proven their efficacy in providing relief from gout arthritis. Specialists have also noticed a connection between this disease and the intake of Vitamin C. Cherries, blueberries and other red berries seem to fight gout arthritis in an effective way. This is due to the fact that red berries contain a high amount of flavonoids, substances that slow down the collagen destructions. They also contain anthocyanidins, a compound that can be found in bilberries and that lowers the levels of uric acid in the body. 80 mg of extract taken three times a day is going to prevent the forming of crystals in the joints.

Diuretic herbs, like juniper berry, help the body to eliminate the uric acid and they can also be effective in gout. 500 mg of juniper berry extract should be taken twice a day. Nettle root extract does the same thing and the recommended dose is of 250 mg taken three times a day. There are also available herbal remedies that one can use after the onset of a gout arthritis attack. Massaging the painful joints with St. John's Wort oil will provide fast relief from the pain. Lavender and rosemary essential oils also have analgesic effects. Natural treatments are always safe and effective in treating gout.

Find how Arthritis Supplement helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Read useful Home Remedies for Gout.

Arthritis Treatments and Herbal Remedies That Reduce Pain and Inflammation

Arthritis is a debilitating disease characterized by the inflammation of the joints. Patients experience great pains and stiffness and they can even become incapable of moving around and of performing the simplest movements. Arthritis can take many forms and its causes are not yet clear. Patients must see a physician by all means in order to get an adequate arthritis treatment. This disease is a chronic one, so it doesn't go away completely. One can live with it his or hers entire life and the point of arthritis treatments is to offer relief and to alleviate the symptoms. Besides prescribed drugs for arthritis there are also natural treatments that patients can try. Taking artificial pills for the entire life is not at all a pleasant perspective; this is why many people try natural remedies.

Arthritis treatments based on herbs and essential oils include -

1. Lavender and rosemary essential oil - They have a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and they provide relief if massaged on the painful areas.

2. Mustard oil - 200 grams have to be mixed with 10 grams of camphor and left in a bottle, in direct sunlight, until the camphor dissolves. The mixture should be massaged on the affected area daily.

3. Celery - It contains 25 anti-inflammatory substances and this makes it an efficient weapon against arthritis. It can be used in many ways and one of the easiest is to include it in your daily diet. It doesn’t matter is it is raw or cooked because it has the same properties. During arthritis crises it is also recommended to drink three cups a day of an infusion made of celery seeds.

4. Ginger - It is one of the arthritis treatments that can be safely used for a prolonged period of time. It has proven its efficiency in offering pain relief both for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. Ginger extract, ginger tea and ginger compresses, they all have a beneficial effect.

5. Rosemary - Not only the essential oil is used in arthritis, but also rosemary tea. It contains four anti-inflammatory substances and cures of three weeks are recommended. They can be repeated after a week of break. During the cures the patients need to consume two cups of rosemary tea daily, one before breakfast and one before going to sleep.

6. Stinging nettle - The juice is helpful in arthritis because it contains anti-inflammatory agents and also boron, an essential mineral. A tablespoon is recommended three times a day.

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Arthritis Signs and Symptoms That Can Affect Your Quality of Life

Arthritis is a term used for covering over 100 different medical conditions, all of them having in common the fact that they are affecting the joints. The most common types of arthritis are rheumatoid, osteoarthritis arthritis and gout. The causes of this disease differ from individual to individual and so are the symptoms. Arthritis symptoms also vary depending on the type of arthritis. The patient's medical history and overall health condition also determine the severity of the symptoms. As a general symptom, arthritis is affecting one’s capability of performing movements, including simple movements that are strongly connecting with every day activities, like turning a tap or bending over.

Arthritis is a degenerative condition, so it aggravates with time. It starts with symptoms like pain and stiffness of a single joint, usually located in the knee or fingers. Sufferers first notice the pain during their sleep. Joint inflammation also leads to symptoms like swelling, redness and heat. If ignored, the condition gets worse and it can even lead to total immobility of the patients. Symptoms of osteoarthritis also include the development of lumpy bones, usually in the knuckles of the hands. Arthritis symptoms are usually more severe in the morning and, once the sufferers start moving around, they become milder. Extended periods of physical inactivity also worsen the symptoms.

In the attempt of getting some relief from the arthritis symptoms, many patients have noticed that natural remedies have the ability of reducing the pain. There are even herbs containing powerful anti-inflammatory substances, with similar action to those of drugs. Massage with essential oils is having a great effect on diminishing the stiffness of the joints and reducing the pain. Lavender and rosemary oil are recommended for their anti-inflammatory properties. Chamomile oil has the same properties and it’s also a mild analgesic. Juniper oil, lemon oil and cypress oil improve the blood circulation and thus help the functioning of the joints which are properly nourished through the blood flow. Warm olive oil and castor oil also have good effects on arthritis sufferers.

Herbal supplements are another effective method of coping with arthritis. Some herbal extract contain compounds that reduce inflammation and eliminate the pain. Ginger extract for instance is very helpful in doses of 6 up to 50 grams a day. Celery, angelica, licorice, black cohosh or devil's claw are other herbs with positive impact on arthritis symptoms. Herbal remedies need time before becoming affective and they don't provide overnight results. With patience and determination, they lead to the improvement of the health condition without the side effects of artificial drugs.

Find how Arthritis Supplement helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Read useful Home Remedies for Arthritis.

Arthritis Remedies and Natural Treatments to Reduce Pain and Inflammation

Arthritis is a disease that is not fully understood by mankind yet. It affects all races and all ages and it can take many forms. Its causes are still a mystery and there is no cure for it. All that sufferers can do is to learn to live it with, to use remedies for reducing pain and inflammation of joints and to improve their quality of life. Natural arthritis remedies are by far the best choice because they don’t provoke side effects and they have proven their efficacy in time. An adequate and healthy diet is also essential in living with arthritis because the body needs essential minerals for fighting this disease.

One of the most powerful and effective natural arthritis remedies are -

1. Coconut or mustard oil - It should be mixed with a few pieces of camphor and then used for massaging the joints. It improves blood flow in that are, so the nourishing substances will reach the joint.

2. Castor oil - Two tablespoon of castor oil have to be boiled and mixed with orange juice. This mixture should be taken daily on an empty stomach. A cure should last for three weeks and then three weeks of break are recommended before starting again.

3. Angelica - It is known in the United States as dong quai and Europeans use it for centuries in treating arthritis. It has 12 anti-inflammatory substances, four analgesic ones and ten muscle relaxants.

4. Feverfew - The anti-inflammatory compounds in this herb are more powerful than those contained by non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The recommended daily dose is of 250 mg.

5. Oregano - It contains a bunch of antioxidants which fight the free radicals involved in the process of damaging the cells. Free radicals are responsible for the aging process and for other complications like the degeneration of joints that occurs in arthritis.

6. Pineapple - It contains a compound known as bromelain which was first noticed to be effective in healing sportsmen’s injuries. It was then discovered that it is also helpful in arthritis.

7. Rosemary - The plant extract contains four anti-inflammatory substances and its action can be easily compared with that of aspirin. Rosemary oil is also efficient if massaged on the painful joints because of its analgesic effect.

8. Stinging nettle - It has been used from ancient times in treating rheumatism and it also appears to be efficient in the early phases of arthritis. Mineral called boron and found in significant quantities in stinging nettle, seems to be very important in the health of the joints.

Find how Arthritis Supplement helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Read useful Home Remedies for Arthritis.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Arthritis Pain Treatment - Best and Natural Way to Get Relief From Pain and Inflammation

Arthritis is a chronic condition that can last a lifetime. Patients need to fully understand how this can change their life and what measures need to be taken in order to maintain a decent quality of life. Coping with the pain is the most important thing to do. There are many ways of keeping arthritis pain under control but all of them need determination. There is no universal arthritis pain treatment that will just work for everybody. Patients also need to understand that their lifestyle has to change, that they have to adopt a healthy diet that will ensure all the necessary minerals and that, in some cases; weight loss can make a world of difference. Each patient has to find out, on its own or together with a therapist, what best works for him or her and what is the most efficient arthritis pain treatment in his or hers particular case. Once this is established, keeping the disease under control will be much easier and the sufferer can go on with his or hers life.

Arthritis is a degenerative condition that won't go away with time. If ignored, it will only worsen and there is no point in suffering and in having difficulties to move around when there are so many remedies available. Natural remedies are always a good choice because they don't come with any side effects.

There are many people who consider massaging with certain essential oils one of the best arthritis pain treatments. Lavender oil, for instance, has powerful analgesic effects, as well as rosemary or chamomile oil. Rumatone Gold oil is also a wonderful remedy for many and, besides providing relief from the pain, it also strengthens the bone tissue, slowing down the degenerative process and improving one’s ability to move.

Besides essential oils, herbal supplements are also great natural remedies. After all, herbs were the starting point in creating one of the most efficient artificial drugs found on the market nowadays. Horsetail is capable of reducing the damage done to the cartilages and bones. Cures should last for two weeks and should be done every month. The recommended dose is of three capsules daily. Boswelia and willow are also renowned for their ability to fight arthritis pain. Boswelia’s anti-inflammatory action is similar with that of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and willow acts just like aspiring in the body. Although the analgesic effect of willow can take a little while to occur, it lasts longer than that of aspirin.

Find how Arthritis Supplement helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Read useful Home Remedies for Arthritis.

Arthritis Pain Relief Remedies and Natural Treatments That Work

Arthritis pain relief is very important for arthritis patients. Since this disease is chronic and there is no treatment that can put a final end to it, all there's left for patients to do is to find ways of coping with the pain and of reducing the inflammation that causes the pain. It is of uttermost importance to receive an early diagnosis of arthritis because if left untreated, the illness can lead to serious complications and to unimaginable sufferings, including inability to move.

Although modern medicine has developed some prescribed drugs that are suppose to help arthritis patients in what concerns pain, they are not very effective because they also produce side effects like gastrointestinal problems. This being the case, most of the sufferers are in constant search of natural remedies that are capable of providing arthritis pain relief without side effects. Fortunately, there are many herbs containing anti-inflammatory and analgesic compounds. There are also essential oils which, if massaged on the painful joint, provide relief from the pain.

Some of the most efficient natural remedies that offer arthritis pain relief are -

1. Sesame oil - If you massage you joints with heated sesame oil before going to bed, you will alleviate the pain.

2. Mustard oil or coconut oil mixed with camphor – it should also be used for massaging the joints.

3. Turmeric - It is the yellow pigment contained by cucurmin. The recommended dose is between 400-600 mg. three times a day. Its action is similar with those of cortisone drugs and it reduces the inflammation significantly. It is considered a safe remedy for arthritis, but studies have not been made on pregnant and breast feeding women yet.

4. Wild yam tea - It has a long history in treating arthritis because of a substance called diosgenin. Two or three cups a day are recommended for six weeks. The cure can be repeated after a week break.

5. Red pepper - It contains capsaicin, a natural analgesic with a similar action with that of aspirin. Capsaicin creams have proven their efficiency in providing arthritis pain relief.

6. Hop tea - It has both anti-inflammatory and sedative properties. One to three cups a day beneficial in obtaining alleviation for arthritis. The results of hop tea can be easily compared with that of steroids.

Obtaining arthritis pain relief through natural means requires patience and determination. The results of natural remedies are not as fast as those of artificial drugs, but considering that they lack the side effects, they are by far a better choice.

Find how Arthritis Supplement helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Read useful Home Remedies for Arthritis.

Arthritis Knee Pain Treatment and Herbal Remedies That Work

Arthritis can affect all the joints in one's body and it can take many forms. Osteoarthritis is the form that affects mostly the knees. It occurs due to the fact that the cartilage of the joint is degenerating progressively until the end of the bone remains uncover and gets inflamed and painful. Knee arthritis usually hits after the age of 50 and overweight people are more likely to develop it. An improvement in the sufferers’ condition occurs once the weight problem is solved or about to be solved.

Osteoarthritis also runs in the family and it might be triggered by previous injuries in the knee. Its most common symptoms include pain, stiffness and swelling and they become more severe as time passes. Patients can go through periods of relief afterwards they can have a crisis again. The evolution of knee arthritis is not linear. It is very important that the patient seeks medical assistance because otherwise he or she might reach the point when no movement will be possible. Treatment might vary depending on the particularities in each case. Losing weight is essential for slowing down the disease. The physician might also recommend anti-inflammatory drugs and even surgery. However, there are patients using herbal remedies in order to obtain arthritis knee pain relief and studies have shown that these are very effective.

Arthritis knee pain relief can be obtained by massaging the joint with anti-inflammatory oils such as Rumatone Gold. Lavender and chamomile oils are known for their analgesic properties. Warm olive oil is also recommended. Massage and physical exercise is good in arthritis, but make sure to talk to your physician in order to do the right types of exercise and not to jeopardize the heath of your joint even more.

Certain infusions made of plants with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties are also helpful in providing relief for patients with arthritis. Ginger, for example, is very much used by those with osteoarthritis. They either drink ginger tea or apply ginger compresses. This is a safe herb even if it is used for longer periods of time. Licorice has the same effect on the human body as cortisone, only that it doesn’t produce the side effects usually associated with cortisone. The only thing that can result from prolonged used of licorice is a slight elevation of the blood pressure. The recommended dose is of two pills with licorice extract daily. Arthritis knee pain relief can be easily obtained with natural remedies, but the patient has to be aware of the importance of losing excess weight and of exercising.

Find how Arthritis Supplement helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Read useful Home Remedies for Arthritis.

Arthritis Joint Pain Treatment and Herbal Remedies That Work

For patients with arthritis, coping with joint pain seems to be the most important thing. Unless immediate measures of reducing pain in the joints are taken the condition can worsen someone’s quality of life to the point when he or she becomes incapable of doing even the simple movements. An early diagnosis is almost vital and, even though physicians prescribe medicine that reduces arthritis joint pain many people find help in essential oils and herbal supplements.

Some herbs contain impressive amounts of anti-inflammatory agents and analgesic substances. Massage is also recommended in joint pain and if it’s also done with certain essential oils it becomes even more efficient. With proper care, one can leave it arthritis for many years, having a normal life and capable of hugging his or hers children, of carrying on with the job and of performing household activities.

The following are efficient and proven remedies for arthritis joint pain -

1. Fenugreek seeds - They are recommended in acute crises of arthritis. One tablespoon of fenugreek seeds accompanied by gentle massage of the affected joint does wonders for the sufferers.

2. Rumatone Gold oil - It is recommended for massaging the joints gently.

3. Olive oil and kerosene oil - Make a mixture from two parts of olive oil and one part of kerosene oil and use it for massaging the aching joints.

4. Turmeric powder - Mix it with warm water and drink it. Do this three twice a day, every day and you’ll notice improvements in your joints condition on the long run.

5. Wild cucumber bark - This is known as a powerful remedy in rheumatism and arthritis. Take a teaspoon three times a day, but keep in mind that this also has a laxative effect, so adjust the dose if necessary.

6. Willow - This herb contains salicin, a substance that pharmaceutical companies use for making aspirin, so its effect is similar with that of the pill. The best part in using willow instead of aspirin is that you won’t run the risk of developing gastrointestinal problems, a common side effect of aspirin

7. Black cohosh - It is good for arthritis joint pain because of the anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic substances it contains.

8. American ginseng - It is recommended for a wide variety of medical conditions and it increases the body's natural ability of fighting diseases and pains. It has a positive impact on your overall health condition and it also provides relief from arthritis joint pain. However, be cautious not to use Asian ginseng instead because this can aggravate your condition.

Find how Arthritis Supplement helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Read useful Home Remedies for Arthritis.

Arthritis Causes and Herbal Remedies That You Should Know

Arthritis is a debilitating medical condition that usually affects older people. Its name means "inflammation of joints". The general term of arthritis refers to over 100 forms that this disease can take. Arthritis sufferers experience various symptoms that won't let them continue their life in a normal manner. Some of them can't work anymore and they even find it difficult to fulfill their household choruses.

Arthritis causes are not yet fully understood by specialists. They might differ depending on the form of arthritis. However, it seems that there are some factors that make a person prone to developing this illness. Since it mainly affects people over 55 years old, age is one of these factors. In time, cartilages lose their ability of recovering. Overweight might also lead to arthritis because the joints have to support and extra load and they slowly damage. Overweight usually causes arthritis in hips and knees. Some specialists agree that genetic predisposition plays a part in developing arthritis. People working in difficult conditions, like on the assembly line or in constructions are also likely to suffer of arthritis and studies are being made to see if there is a connection between practicing demanding sports and arthritis.

Other significant arthritis causes include previous injury and previous inflammation or infection. Major injuries, for example, lead to a particular type of arthritis, osteoarthritis, while malfunctioning of the metabolism leads to gout. Arthritis causes, just like arthritis symptoms and treatment, vary from individual to individual.

Many people choose to relieve their pain with herbal remedies and essential oils for massaging the affected area are very popular among arthritis patients. Lavender oil, rosemary oil and St, John's Wort oil is very efficient if massaged on the painful joint. Heated olive oil is also providing relief from the pain.

Other patients decide to use herbs which have anti-inflammatory or analgesic properties. Stinging nettle, angelica, alfalfa or black cohosh are examples of such herbs. They are consumed either as tea or infusion or in form of pills with extract. Red pepper is another herb useful in treating arthritis. The analgesic effect is given by capsaicin and it was proven that creams containing capsaicin are capable of reducing pain if used four times a day. Boswelia has powerful anti-inflammatory action, similar with those of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The difference is that it doesn't produce any side effects. However, even though arthritis causes are not entirely clear yet, the nature is providing us a lot of natural remedies for coping with this tormenting disease.

Find how Arthritis Supplement helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Read useful Home Remedies for Arthritis.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief Treatment and Natural Remedies

Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic inflammatory disorder which attacks tissues, bones muscles, internal organs and synovial joints, it can cause inflammation and damage to cartilages. The exact reason of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown but auto-immune disorder plays an important role in its intensity and progression. Auto-immunity disorder causes immunity system attacking healthy tissues of the body as it does to invading infections affecting joints, internal organs, blood vessels and bones of the body. Rheumatoid arthritis can be a disabling and painful condition which may cause substantial loss of mobility of joints and their functioning, it is more prevalent in women compared to men.

A joint in the human body is a point where two bones meet with their ends covered by cartilages and synovial fluid between them. These bones are held at proper place by the ligaments and muscles attached to these bones help in moving the joints by contraction and expansion. Rheumatoid arthritis causes inflammation, pain, stiffness and redness in the joints. It can also affect the tissues around the joints and can damage muscles, tendons and ligaments. In some cases chronic rheumatoid arthritis damages cartilages, ligaments and bones causing deformation of the joint. The disease is progressive and damage caused to the joints does not correlate with pain, swelling and stiffness.

The reason for rheumatoid arthritis is unknown though bacterial, viral and fungal infections are doubted for it. Environmental factors and genetics are also believed to initiate this disease in susceptible individuals. The stiffness, redness and swelling of joints are initial symptoms particularly in the morning or after the period of inactivity. These symptoms are accompanied by lethargy, fatigue, lack of appetite, joint aches and low fever. The symptoms of RA are evident when disease is active while they subside on their own or by treatment when disease gets inactive.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease and progression of this disease can cause inflammation to other organs of the body. Voice turning hoarse, drying of mouth and eyes are few problems caused by aggravation of RA. It can also cause swelling in the lining of lungs causing pain while deep breathing, shortness of breath and coughing. Carpal tunnel syndrome, vasculitis and reduction in the number of white blood cells are other problems caused by the progression of RA.

There is no known cure of rheumatoid arthritis the focus of the treatments is to reduce the inflammation, control the progression of disease, improve mobility of joints, strengthening of joints and preventing joint deformity. Usually allopathic treatment treats the problem by anti-inflammatory and pain reducing drugs with other disease controlling drugs and medicines. Alternate treatments are also helpful in reducing pain and inflammation along with prolonging the remissions of the disease. Exercises and therapies are also used to increase joint movement during flares of the disease and controlling joint destruction. Dietary changes and stress free healthy life style also enhances the effects of the treatment. Proper treatment and exercises together help in keeping the remission of the disease long and also it helps in slowing down its progression.

Find how Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief Supplement helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Read about effective Home Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Osteoarthritis Pain Relief Treatment and Remedies That You Ought to Know

Osteoarthritis or OA is also called as degenerative arthritis as it is caused due to degradation of joints. The degradation of joints can occur because of heredity, metabolism, development and mechanical movements. These reasons can initiate the processes which result in stiffening of cartilages which exposes the bone to damage as they become less protected. The rubbing of bones with each other causes severe pain and inflammation.

The initial symptoms of osteoarthritis are joint stiffness, joint pain, redness, swelling and locking and sometimes an effusion may also occur. At the very initial stage people suffer from mild pain and stiffness at the joints in the morning while getting out of bed, it is also treated as morning sickness which passes away after sometime. Such pain and stiffness is experienced even after a period of inactivity. Crackling sound while moving the joint or touching it, is also a sign of OA. People experience sharp pain in the joints and muscle spasm or contraction of ligaments. Feeling of warmth in the joints is also suggestive for OA. The pain due to OA increases in low temperature and cold areas. In most of the cases pain due to OA increase during the movement and subsides after rest.

The pain and stiffness induce lack of movement gradually, in anticipation of pain people themselves become reluctant to move the joint which causes atrophy of muscles, ligaments and tendons to further aggravate the problem. OA can affect any joint of the body from fingers to hands, feet, spine and hip. The pain of osteoarthritis is chronic and increases with the progression of the disease. It can even lead to complete immobility of joints if not treated properly.

Osteoarthritis is not related to age, as it is construed by many people, there are many people around ninety years of age and they do not suffer from such problem while young person around 30 years may develop this problem. However OA is more prevalent in old people than young and more amongst women than men. The risk factors which may promote OA are injury or over use of any joint, obesity, exposure to environmental factors which promote OA, genetics, muscle weakness due to any reason, it has been noted that problem of OA is more prevalent in people who lead lethargic lifestyle and do not exercise.

Treatment of OA includes pain and inflammation relieving medicines during flare of disease and improvement of joint movement by means of exercises and therapies. Along with this treatment to control joint damage or cartilage damage by various techniques is also included in the main treatment. If none of these are able to relieve the chronic pain and disease progression then surgery is the last option. Alternate treatments of OA by means of herbs and natural remedies are also recommended to avoid side effects and these are effective. Some herbal treatments can improve joint mobility, relieve pain and inflammation and control cartilage damage. Preventive measures taken by susceptible persons are the best remedy for osteoarthritis like exercising regularly, keeping weight in control and eating proper diet. Yoga has sun salutation which is a series seven of exercises and it is an effective way to prevent all type of arthritis.

Read effective Osteoarthritis Pain Relief Supplements. Read about effective Home Remedies for Osteoarthritis.

Gout Arthritis Treatment and Natural Remedies That You Ought to Know

Gout arthritis is the most frequently recorded medical illness throughout the history of mankind. It is a progressive disease which is believed to be caused by inherited abnormalities which hinder the body in processing uric acid. It is produced in the body when body breaks down purines which are present in many types of food which a person normally eats.

The over production of uric acid or lack of body's ability to dispose uric acid causes formation of crystals called as urate, these crystals gets deposited in the tissues of the body and particularly in the joints. The presence of these crystals in the joints causes severe attacks of arthritic pain and inflammation. Continuation of this disease leads to large deposits of uric acid in the tissues of the joints which later form hard lumps. These crystals with the progression of disease infect synovial fluid and synovial lining which causes sudden and severe attacks of pain and inflammation. With the reaction of body's immunity system the redness, swelling and feeling of warmth is experienced in the joints.

The crystals of uric acid present in the blood can get deposited in the kidneys to form kidney stones or can block the kidney-filtering tubules. Simply excess presence of uric acid in the blood does not suggest presence of gout arthritis or kidney related problems, it is the crystals of urate which initiate these problems.

Though increased levels of uric acid certainly increase the risk of gout arthritis but levels of uric acid are not defining factor for its presence. The other risk factors which may promote gout is obesity, high blood pressure, abnormal kidney function, alcohol intake, diuretic and tuberculosis medicines may increase uric acid levels in the body. People suffering from certain diseases also become prone to gout arthritis these diseases are leukemia, lymphomas and hemoglobin disorders.

Pain and inflammation attacks in the joints are symptoms of most of the arthritic condition but in gout arthritis the pain starts from the joint in the big toe. This pain can spread to other joints like knee, elbow, fingers and spine. The joints also develop tenderness at some points which become very sensitive and painful.

Treatment of gout arthritis includes treatment of pain and inflammation and to reduce the levels of uric-acid. NSAID are recommended for pain relief while other medicines depending on the condition of the patient are prescribed to lower uric-acid levels. Alternate treatment with herbs is also effective in treating gout arthritis. Herbs like devil's claw, hawthorn, celery, bilberry, gravel root and cherries can effectively lower down the levels of the uric-acid by helping the body in flushing it out. Adequate consumption of liquids during the day, weight control and mild exercises particularly for joints, also help the treatment.

Hydrotherapy, hot water therapy and massages are also helpful in controlling pain and inflammation during gout arthritic attack and improving the movement of the joints when symptoms have subsided. Yoga poses and exercises are extremely helpful to prevent and treat gout arthritic symptoms, breathing exercises in yoga are considered helpful in flushing the toxins out of the body to control the progression of the disease.

Find how Arthritis Supplement helps relieve inflammation and pain. Also know how Arthritis Massage Oil helps reduce pain and stiffness.